Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How Lamb and Pears Can Help Your Food Allergy

How Lamb and Pears Can Help Your Food Allergy

How Lamb and Pears Can Help Your Food Allergy

By: Jack Prime

Lamb and pears may appear to be a strange combination, but the reason they are chosen as part of a food allergy diet is because they are rarely indicated in allergies and are therefore relatively safe foods for most people with a food allergy to eat.

Often the best way to treat a food allergy is to avoid the food that causes the allergy altogether so a period of exclusion gives your body a chance to tell you which foods are making you ill and whether you react to one food or many foods.

An exclusion diet consists of eliminating one or more foods completely from the diet for a given period of time and then reintroducing foods one at a time to check for adverse reactions.

If you are committed to the process your efforts will be rewarded with the food, or foods, that cause your problems and you can be free of the symptoms and distress a food allergy may cause.

The principle of the lamb and pears food allergies diet is that you only eat these two foods, lamb, pears and bottled or filtered water, for five to seven days. During the course of the food allergy diet you can begin reintroducing other foods one at a time and gauge whether they cause a food allergy reaction.

As the lamb and pears food allergy diet is so restrictive it gives a chance for your system to clear and reveal the hidden allergies which are causing illness or allergy symptoms.

Keep a food diary to track your progress and note down how you are feeling during the diet.

If your food allergy symptoms disappear during the diet you can try and reintroduce suspect foods to see if they cause you a reaction. Keep a note of how you feel before and after eating the different foods you reintroduce.

Any food that does cause a reaction needs to be kept out of your diet and placed on your "foods to avoid list". If a food passes your test successfully you can place it on your "foods you can eat" list.

For best results take each step slowly; reintroduce foods slowly, perhaps one food per meal and if possible one food per day.

A variation of the lamb and pears food allergy diet allows you to eat turkey and peaches, or rabbit and raspberries.

Important note! A two food diet is very restrictive and should never be followed without close supervision or for an extended period of time. Severe exclusion diets can compromise your nutritional well-being so pregnant women, children, diabetics, epileptics, anyone with emotional disturbances or anyone with a serious illness should seek professional advice before embarking on any type of food allergy treatment or exclusion diet.

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For further advice on food allergy diets, visit Help for Food Allergy

For food allergy treatment, advice and common trigger foods visit the Help for Food Allergy website (

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How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

How to Really Make Your Diet Work For You

By: Stanislav Karpunin

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Get into a habit of eating exactly 3 Meals a day.

1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.

Breakfast provides at least 30 percent of the total energy and nutrition needed to sustain the human body during the whole day. And therefore it is very important to have a proper breakfast and not to skip it.

2. Have a healthy low-fat lunch snack.

Have a healthy snack in your lunch time, low fat yogurt for example, to keep your energy running.

3. Have your dinner three hours before your bedtime.

Have a Proper dinner three hours before your bedtime; never go to bed on a full stomach.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. 2 liters of water a day would help your body to burn calories more effectively and to get rid of toxins.

Exercising is a KEY.

By exercising, your body gets an advantage of many physiological benefits such as:

  • Weight Control by elevating your metabolism so that you burn more calories daily.

  • The Boost in your energy level

  • Strengthening of your heart and lungs

  • Improvement in your self-image and self-confidence.

So, don't forget to exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

Try to avoid using fats. Try to keep the fat level in your cooking as low as possible.

Make Calcium your friend. Include as much calcium as you can in your daily diet by eating:

  • Oranges

  • Broccoli

  • Soybeans

  • Tofu

  • Sunflower Seeds

  • Papaya

And other sources of calcium. Calcium is a crucial element for bone metabolism. Calcium deficiency is very common. The "Average" American diet does not even come close to meeting the normal calcium requirements:

425 mg. a day for Men

450 mg. a day for Women

So, to sum it up:

1. Have exactly 3 meals a day

2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day

3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day

4. Avoid fats

5. Make calcium your friend

By following these 5 simple rules, you will be losing weight in no time.

Author Bio markets quality, weight-management, nutrition and personal health care products created by WellnessPro leading industry experts. Weight-loss can be a pleasure!

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Living With Chronic Low Back Pain

Living With Chronic Low Back Pain

Living With Chronic Low Back Pain

By: Robert Gould

They tell me my diagnosis is pretty common, that millions of Americans suffer with low back pain. I've also heard that next to the common cold, missing work from low back pain is the biggest reason. With these two major known facts, I then wondered why getting the correct treatment for low back pain is so difficult.

After being diagnosed with a herniated disc and bone disc degenerative disease, I was immediately scheduled to see a surgeon. The surgeon suggested I have back surgery. To make a long story short, after a lot of prayer, a lot of thought, and after talking to many people who already have had surgery with my same diagnosis, I chose against surgery.

After deciding against surgery, I found I was immediately cast in a different light, by my doctor, and the medical community in general. I found my pain was then not taken seriously. I felt disbelieved about how much I hurt. I actually felt like a drug addict when asking for something for the pain. It appeared my physician felt back surgery was the end all cure all to my back & leg pain.

To the contrary studies have shown, back surgery may actually cause more pain, complications, and even damage that requires more follow up surgery. Knowing physicians and surgeons are already aware of this, it really makes you wonder why they would put you at such risk. I wish some of these healthcare professionals would just once switch places with me for one day living with chronic low back pain.

As a chronic pain sufferer, I'm dedicated to helping other chronic pain sufferers who suffer from pain in any manner.

Author Bio

Author is a chronic pain sufferer dedicated in helping other chronic pain sufferers obtain the proper medical treatment needed to live a more productive, and better quality of life. For more information go to:

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Generic Medicines

Generic Medicines

Generic Medicines

By: Andy Casasanta

Generic Drugs: Generic Online Pharmacies started making a big impact on the net since the mid to late 90's. This has allowed the prescription drug buyer to save hundreds with the click of a mouse. Generics really slash the prices on prescription drugs and medications because they do not carry brand names but they are essentially the same drug. As the cost of prescription drugs and medications continue to soar, more and more Americans are choosing Generic Pharmacies to maintain their quality of life. Buying prescription drugs and medications through Generic Pharmacies is a true alternative to paying the high medication prices that a bricks and mortar pharmacy would charge.

What are Generic Drugs? A generic pharmaceutical drug is identical to a brand name drug in safety, strength and quality. Even though generics are identical to brand name drugs, they are typically sold at substantial discounts from the branded price.Typically, savings of at 50 to 70 per cent can be saved for the average consumer It has been estimated that generic drugs save consumers an estimated $8 to $10 billion a year at retail pharmacies. Even more when hospitals use generics.

Are Generic Drugs Safe? One of the most common concerns about purchasing Generic Drugs from online pharmacies is the safety of the drugs, and the safety of the patients ordering them.In most cases, generic drugs are considered safe due to the testing process used by the Food and Drug Administration and must meet or exceed all strict quality control standards, in compliance with WHO international guidelines.

If brand-name drugs and generic drugs have the same active ingredients, why do they look different? Trademark laws do not allow a generic drug to look like the brand-name drug. However, a generic drug must duplicate the active ingredient. Colors, flavors, and certain other inactive ingredients may be different.

Does every brand-name drug have a generic counterpart? No. Brand-name drugs are generally given patent protection for 20 years from the date of submission of the patent.

Are generic drugs as strong as brand-name drugs? Yes. FDA requires generic drugs to have the same quality as brand-name drugs.

Do generic drugs take longer to work in the body? No. Generic drugs are basically the same in quality, strength, purity as brand-name drugs.

More and more people every day are taking advantage of the savings that Generic Pharmacies offer. Purchasing your prescription drugs and medications from Generic Pharmacies or internet pharmacies has never been easier.

Author Bio

Submitted by Mr Andy Casasanta. The author of this article has devoted a portion of his life to health and well being for himself and others. Which has inspired him to create a tremendous health and pharmacy website. Save on all popular drugs such as Viagra, Lipitor, meridia, and hundreds more all for pennies on the dollar. Please visit:

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Atherosclerosis, Chelation and Chelating Agents

Atherosclerosis, Chelation and Chelating Agents

Atherosclerosis, Chelation and Chelating Agents

By: Ray Smith

In our everyday life, our body is exposed to various toxins almost all the time. We are facing toxin attacks in the food, in the water we drink even in the air we breath. Heavy metal toxins like Mercury, Lead and Cadmium gets deposited and builds up plaque in arteries and blood vessels and narrows the passage for blood flow (medically termed as Atherosclerosis). This in turn leads to all sorts of problems and even heart attacks and might ultimately require surgery to bypass the blocked arteries.

Chelation (pronounced key-LAY-shun) Therapy is the process in which chemicals bond with minerals and toxic metals and remove them from the body. The word Chelation has been derived from the Greek word "chele", meaning to "claw".

The doctors have used chelation therapy for a long time now and the most important chelating agents used by them is EDTA (Ethylene Diamine tetra acetic acid). This is a synthetic amino acid that is highly effective in binding with the harmful metals and releasing them out of the body through the urine.

Chelation Therapy is definitely the most effective alternative to surgery for Atherosclerotic vascular disease. This therapy when applied properly has considerable effect on patients and thousands of patients have been cured without any need for bypass surgery or angioplasty.

There are two types of Chelation, classified mainly based on the way they are applied; Intravenous Chelation, where the chelating agent is injected through the veins and Oral Chelation, where the patient takes the chelating agent through his mouth just as any other medicine. Intravenous chelation is comparatively costly and would necessarily require a doctor to assist the patient, however, oral chelation is one of the easiest processes and is comparatively cheap.

Any oral chelating agent would contain a synthetic amino acid called EDTA along with the other components like Royal Jelly, honeybee pollen, unprocessed honey, natural vitamin C and B12. EDTA is particularly effective in removing heavy metals like Mercury from our circulatory system.

An Oral Chelating agent becomes more effective due to the presence of components like Royal Jelly and honey. Our body perceives it as food and it gets absorbed in the system very fast where as the EDTA in the chelating agent binds with the toxic metals and removes them out of the body.

Oral Chelating agents like PCA-Rx (sold at are highly effective and helps you to prevent plaques and narrowing of blood vessels by bonding with the toxic metals and removing them out of the body.

This would help you to remove toxic metals from your blood flow while gaining and maintaining you heart's health. When thousand s of patients today are adopting this chelation therapy to fight against atherosclerosis and maintain a healthy heart, why should you be left out?

Author Bio

This article is written by Ray Smith, a marketing expert with years of experience in different industries and specialized knowledge on branding and Internet marketing.


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Don't Suffer Needlessly From Chronic Pain

Don't Suffer Needlessly From Chronic Pain

Don't Suffer Needlessly From Chronic Pain

By: Robert Gould

As a chronic pain sufferer myself, being diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower back, along with bone disc degenerative disease, I have learned a lot about how chronic pain is treated, or I should say undertreated. It's a sad fact for a variety of reasons, that chronic pain goes grossly undertreated. Too many americans are needlessly suffering in pain. After years and years of my pain going undertreated, I have learned a few things that I would like to share.

First of all, theres a stigma associated with patients seeking treatment for chronic pain. Physicians are hesitant about what kind of treatment is best. From physical therapy, bio-feedback, muscle relaxers, steroids, anti-inflammatory, over the counter medications, to narcotic pain medication. Particularly when using narcotic pain medication, it seems physicians do whats best in the interests for themselves, not whats in the best interest of the patient. This has occured due to government regulations, narcotic abuse, diversion, patient addiction & physicians who just dont understand pain.

Obviously if someone doesn't have a diagnosis of chronic pain, and other treatment is better suited, that should be the course of action. But on the other hand, if every other treatment has been tried, chronic pain sufferers should have every right to narcotic pain medicine. Before I found a physician who finally understood my pain, I felt like a drug addict, I felt like I was disbelieved by the medical community when I told them I was in pain. Pain sufferers are discriminated against tremendously. I am dedicated to informing as many as possible that people are truly suffering in pain needlessly, and dedicated to helping those who suffer.

For more information go to:

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Author is a chronic pain sufferer dedicated to helping other chronic pain sufferers for a better quality of life. For more information, please visit:

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Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

By: Diana Statham

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood through the arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, forcing blood into the arteries. This is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure. Blood pressure is always given as two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Both are important.

The systolic pressure is the first or top number, and the diastolic pressure is the second or bottom number (for example, 120/80). If your blood pressure is 120/80, you say that it is "120 over 80".

It is important to take steps to keep your blood pressure under control. The treatment goal is to keep blood pressure below 140/90, or even lower for people with other conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease.

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is an essential and effective first step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure. However, if lifestyle changes alone are not effective in keeping your pressure controlled, it may be necessary to take blood pressure medications.

The following types of medications are available to treat high blood pressure:

1. Diuretics: Diuretics are sometimes called water pills because they work in the kidney and flush excess water and sodium from the body, lowering blood pressure.

2. Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers reduce nerve impulses to the heart and blood vessels. This makes the heart beat slower and with less force. As a result of these drugs, the blood pressure drops and the heart works less hard.

3. ACE inhibitors: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent the formation of a hormone called angiotensin II, which normally causes blood vessels to narrow. The ACE inhibitors cause the vessels to relax and blood pressure goes down.

4. Angiotensin antagonists: Angiotensin antagonists shield blood vessels from angiotensin II. As a result, the vessels become wider and blood pressure goes down.

5. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs): CCBs keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to relax and pressure goes down.

6. Alpha-blockers: Alpha-blockers reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, which allows blood to pass more easily, causing the blood pressure to go down.

7. Alpha-beta-blockers: Alpha-beta-blockers work the same way as alpha-blockers but also slow the heartbeat, as beta-blockers do. As a result of using these drugs, less blood is pumped through the vessels and the blood pressure goes down.

8. Nervous system inhibitors: Nervous system inhibitors relax blood vessels by controlling nerve impulses, and this causes the blood vessels to become wider and the blood pressure to go down.

9. Vasodilators: Vasodilators directly open blood vessels by relaxing the muscles in the vessel walls, causing the blood pressure to go down.

To find out if you have high blood pressure consult your doctor and have a blood pressure test. The test is quick and painless.

To determine which life style changes and medications are appropriate, consult your doctor.

Author Bio

Diana for Guide to Blood Pressure, and high blood pressure.

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Blood Pressure Basics

Blood Pressure Basics

Blood Pressure Basics

By: Diana Statham

There are no hard and fast figures which represent a normal blood pressure. And very often doctors and other experts cannot even decide between them what an ideal blood pressure range is for an adult.

However it is usually agreed that somewhere between 110/70 and 125/80 is considered to be an average blood pressure for a grown person, though someone with naturally low blood pressure may be closer to a range of 100/60

A blood pressure of 140/90 is considered to be high, though as a person gets older, this falls into the more normal range for people.

Blood doesn't circulate in an even stream around the body, but travels in a constant series of spurts. Therefore the pressure peaks in the blood vessels just after a heart beat and then ebbs until the next one. This is a continuous process.

The two blood pressure figures represent the pressures when the forces are at their peak and at their lowest ebb. The stronger the arteries are, the more they resist the force of the blood and the lower the blood pressure.

As a person gets older, and the elasticity of their arteries weakens, the figures tend to rise. However the lower figure should still be under 90 until that person at least reaches their sixties.

Many studies looking at blood pressure in both black and white people have found there is a higher prevalence of hypertension (High blood pressure) in black people than there is in white. This has led to further research in determining whether this is racially determined or just based on socioeconomic and dietary factors.

Some people suffering high blood pressure may find they just can't pinpoint a cause for their problem. They may be fit, have a very healthy lifestyle yet their blood pressure remains consistently high for no apparent reason. This is called Primary or essential high blood pressure. However if the raised blood pressure is due to an underlying medical problem, it is known as Secondary High Blood Pressure.

Nearly one in four people in the Western world have high blood pressure. Many people don't appreciate it is a dangerous condition that can lead to a heart attack kidney failure or stroke if it is left untreated. Yet there are thousands of people unaware they have high blood pressure who are walking around with a lethal time bomb ticking away inside them.

Author Bio

Diana for Guide to Blood Pressure, and low blood pressure.

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Preliminaries for Getting Flu Shot 2005

Preliminaries for Getting Flu Shot 2005

Some Preliminaries for Getting Flu Shot 2005

By: Diana Statham

Well the time is here to get your flu shot 2005. So without wasting any time you should first get going to your doctor's clinic and make yourself free from symptoms and trouble of coming flu season. The flu is sited already, and must do get your shot before there a shortage of flu short 2005.

Well you should do some preliminary things before you take your flu short 2005. Not each one will be able to take the flu short 2005 and it might be possible that you are one of them. You should first make this clear before you go to get your flu short 2005.

If you took the flu short previously but was not beneficial then you should not go for it again, in particular if you had severe reaction last time. Even if you are allergic to eggs or have a history of Guillain - Barre syndrome then it would be better to not take the flu short 2005. Nevertheless, if you have been sick recently and are still sick at the time of taking flu short 2005, better not take the flu short 2005 as it wont make any better. First, you should find the solution for your current sickness and then go for the flu short 2005.

Obviously, the flu short 2005 will be more effective that flu short 2004 because of added strains that are being immunized. Year to year the flu short gets better. The scientists have different methods with which they can envisage which strains are going to be more prevailing that year and this year the ones that they prefer are included in the flu short 2005.

Taking flu short 2005 is a way making you and your family safe and healthy from the flu. We listen about flu all the time but we do not often appreciate the dangers that the flu causes. There are ample those who trust the flu short 2005 is the only standing between you and the flu this year. So please better go get your flu short 2005 as soon as possible.

Learn all about flu, flu types, symptoms and vaccine:

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Diana for - Your guide to health care and home remedies. Also learn about flu.

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Selecting EMR Software for Your Practice

Selecting EMR Software for Your Practice

Selecting EMR Software for Your Practice

Many doctors ask: Why is EMR so expensive? This question as it appears can seem simple in nature. While exploring this topic, you can find so many variations in the EMR products' features and functions. In most cases, a large or majority of the total cost of an EMR is in the training and implementation services, not in the software.

But in many cases products will include more features than one needs or the manufacturer of the product is generally focused on larger sized groups making it more expensive for smaller ones. Additionally, as a practice, the question of technical proficiencies needs to be addressed. If a product is more technically advanced than the user, the user will not receive the full usage of the application. If the product is not being used to its full functionality, nobody wins. If this happens, the practice is not satisfied, and the vendor now has an unsatisfied end user. This is why matching up the practice with the right EMR is so critical. The opposite effect can be just as frustrating.

Cost is a fact in the investment of an EMR. An entry level EMR can cost as little as $3,000, and advanced level EMRs can cost over $100,000, even for a solo physician practice. The word "expense" should be replaced with the word "investment". Once a practice has converted to the EMR, they can now look back and understand the difference in those two, very different words. When the EMR is running at full functionality, the practice becomes very efficient. No more hunting for paper charts. A single "click" of the mouse, and the patient's entire record is in the hands of the appropriate user. Multiple users can access the same record simultaneously as well; allowing for greater productivity. The investment now begins to pay dividends.

Which is better? An integrated EMR system or a modular EMR? Having a portion of the practice automated can be a benefit, just as it can be a challenge to overcome. There are many EMR vendors that have a Practice Management application built into their system. Many of these products can be a total replacement of existing applications, usually a older medical billing software. Be advised that not all EMR vendors have the capability to integrate with an existing software product. This is all very important to identify prior to committing to an EMR vendor. Running separate systems simultaneously can bring much unneeded frustration if not appropriately integrated in the beginning as you will need to deal with two different companies for technical support.

The number of modules that can be integrated can vary significantly from vendor to vendor. Consideration of the charge for an HL7 (as explained earlier in this document) interface should also be taken into account. The interface between your existing system and your new EMR can often cost as much as $5000 making it often more financially viable to purchase an integrated system from the beginning.

These are just some of the many things to consider when selecting an EMR solution for your office. For more information on Electronic Medical Record software solutions please visit

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Websites: The Prescription for Your Practice

Websites: The Prescription for Your Practice

Websites: The Prescription for Your Practice

In todays competive business world a website is no longer a optional marketing channel, but instead a necessity. With the cost of website development being so low and the increased number of consumers using the internet to search for businesses, every business should have a website; medical practices are no exception. Here are some things you may want to consider So what should you consider when selecting a company to build a custom website for your practice?

There are two types of websites to choose from: custom and prefabricated. Custom interactive websites will prove to be far more effective, look more professional, and have longer-lasting value than the cheaper prefabricated versions. Every practice is different, so a design company should take the time to understand what the practice has to offer and convey that in their site.

Effective websites take into account common practice management tasks, and integrate them with online tools that not only create a marketing presence but also empower the practice in its daily operations. Specific tools include keeping in touch with patients through email newsletters, greeting cards, and special promotions.

A few companies that specialize in chiropractic websites compile newsletters that they prepare and delivery automatically on behalf of a doctor to his or her patient database. Such newsletters, which can be updated on a regular basis on the website and automatically emailed to patients, are extremely helpful in keeping in touch with patients that do not come in as often. Additionally, patients who subscribe may forward it to others, which could serve as a form of referrals.

Another useful feature is the ability to easily send out pre-scheduled email cards for birthdays, appointments, various holiday, etc. Such e-cards, with fun, professional designs, provide another great opportunity to keep in touch with patients and improve patient relations, while minimizing the cost of traditional cards and postage, not to mention save time.

Practices should also consider providing potential patients with an incentive to visit the office by having printable promotions or coupons on their website, where allowable by law. After all, the hardest part is getting the patient to come in for the first time.

Website can also feature patients the ability to schedule appointments, access patient forms, and even verify insurance. This way, rather than request patients to come in fifteen to twenty minutes early, practices can post their forms online and request patient go online, print and complete them before coming in.

The opportunities for patient education online are almost limitless; a doctor can provide informational resources on preventative care and exercises, explanatory diagrams and illustrations, and descriptions of the unique services of their practice.

A website can also assist the practice in selling different products and supplements to anyone, anywhere, and any time-not just to the existing patient base of the practice. Doctors should not limit their opportunities - current studies show the public is looking for health information, by the millions. Having an online presence now is crucial, not only in reaching new patients but also retaining existing ones. By not being online, a doctor misses out on 100 percent of the Internet-derived business he or she could see.

These days chiropractors are expected to have a presence on the Internet for potential patients. Instead of people running their fingers through the Yellow Pages, many now click with their mouse through their browsers to practices near them. The internet has become the world's largest health information resource, so a doctor can not afford to miss out on the opportunities that come with having a website.

The key to bringing in new patients who are searching online for health providers and information lies in search engine placement. Who would want a website if no one can find it? In selecting your website company, be sure that the commissioned company can create a search engine and marketing campaign aimed at excellent placement with search engines and directories, and uses both innovative and standard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. More traffic means more patients, a better bottom line, and a dramatic return on investment.

Through a website, they can get their questions answered in a non-threatening, non-confrontational way. This new technology is not only limitless, but also much more affordable than all previous means of publicity utilized by doctors in the past. A practice armed with these new tools will be much more efficient, effective and professional in gaining new patients and servicing them 24/7.

Whether you have a current web site that isn't high enough quality, or if you have no web site to speak of, the next decision is who should you turn to for the creation of your professional website? In terms of working with a freelancer versus an established company, as a general rule, it is usually best to work with a company that will provide the necessary customer service and support. Even if your "nephew Jimmy" or "nice kid down the street" can build you a professional and website to begin with - and that's a big "if" - will they be around when you need to update your website, or will they be off to college, or what have you?

It helps to find a company who can identify with the practice and even specializes in chiropractic websites. A company or freelancer that does not specialize in chiropractic field will require significant amount of time from the doctor in developing the content and educational materials for the website.

While several design companies specialize in custom websites for medical practices, not all are alike in the quality of their designs and services.

Through outsourcing there is no need to spend $15,000 on a custom medical website, but instead under $1000. In comparison to other forms of advertising, including yellow page ads and direct mail the return on investment of a professional website with quality internet marketing is greater than 10 times in our research, even if you paid $15,000 for your website. Furthermore consumers see websites as the face of a business. A business lacking a professional and informatice website can turn-off consumers, resulting in lost opportunities and business.

Medical Web Experts is the number one provider of websites to physicians and other healthcare providers. Our highly specialized websites for healthcare organizations feature the latest in search engine optimization techniques and is built to suit your exact needs.

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For more information and to view our Client Showcase please visit Medical Web Experts.

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Pain Control In Chronic Non-Cancer Patients

Pain Control In Chronic Non-Cancer Patients

Pain Control In Chronic Non-Cancer Patients

Why would an article with such an esoteric title be of interest, of importance and relevancy to more than just Pain Management health care workers. Shouldn't such an article be of more importance and interest in a Professional Journal than it would be to the educated general populous. What is behind the idea of publishing it on the Internet, situated so that many more than just medical minds would come across it by happenstance.

A large percentage of the general population is thought to either listen to, watch, or read any of the many ways the News Media bombards us with what their financial backers' opinions would have us know. Therefore we must assume that this same population should, by now, understand how the median age of death, in our country as in others, has been prolonged. We attribute this increasing life expectancy, over the previous few centuries, by all of the many scientific advances, by the formation of and stabilization of standardized-religion, and by the many laws of behavior, in-acted to prevent man's destruction of his/her fellow man/woman.

For these and other reasons, the percentage of the population living over the age of 65 increases with every passing decade and century. At this point I hope that you can begin to better understand the importance of pain control in chronic non-cancer patients. Since the percentage of the population over 65 is getting larger with each passing decade, it is becoming more common place to know or to know of an individual requiring pain control for a chronic non-cancerous problem.

Breakthrough pain in cancer patients is associated with poor outcomes, a greater incidence of hospitalization, more difficult to treat pain syndromes, and, of course, the inevitable patient dissatisfaction with therapy. None of the previous characteristics are found, in general, amongst the non-cancerous patients.

Breakthrough pain in non-cancerous patients is known to be prevalent, severe, and it shares several characteristics with cancer patients, such as that it is typically rapid in onset and frequently encountered. Studies have shown that nearly three quarters of patients with non-cancer pain have significant episodes of breakthrough pain.

For the general population, is not important what the actual treatments are for pain control in chronic non-cancerous patients. What is important for everyone to understand is that a growing part of our general population will be suffering with chronic non-cancerous pain. We need to start to modify and/or drop, when appropriate, our misconceptions of individuals (young and old) that complain of chronic pain that proves to be non-cancerous in origin. We must study how individuals on narcotic therapy do when attempting to continue with accepted normal daily functions. Such functions would include work, play, and care-giving. I feel that we will be surprised how much of a normal life these individuals can live if given the chance.

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Reed Oxman, the author of the above, is also creator and owner of the best place to purchase your needed Travel accessories electronics. Born and raised in California, he attended UC Berkeley Undergraduate, UC Los Angeles School of Medicine and became Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Pain Management.

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Panic Attack Medication: What Is Best For Me?

Panic Attack Medication: What Is Best For Me?

Panic Attack Medication: What Is Best For Me?

If you are one of those living with panic attack symptoms, you know it can almost take over your life. Living with the fear that you will have to suffer through another period of grief, pain, and discomfort is sometimes enough to bring on a panic attack. When it comes to treating a panic attack, some medication has been known to significantly reduce the symptoms, enabling people to continue living a life that is not ruled by the fearful unknown. The following provides information about some of the most effective medications available to consumers.

Alprazolam (al-PRAZ-zo-lam)

This medication is one of the more common prescriptions for general anxiety treatment. It is a benzodiazepine, which is used to treat short term panic attack symptoms in many people every day. This medication is not meant to treat ongoing and daily forms of a panic attack, but is very useful to people who experience these symptoms periodically.

Azapirones (a-zah-PIE-ronz)

Azapirones is a drug which works on the central nervous system by relieving the many symptoms of anxiety. This drug can be found in many antidepressants and is the reason many people who normally would not take antidepressants do, because of their panic attack symptoms. It is used to calm the nervous system, putting it somewhat into sleep mode.

Benzodiazepines (ben-zo-die-AZ-a-peens)

This is a tranquil medication, used to help fight anxiety and insomnia. The drug is very potent, and a fear of becoming addicted to it is shared with both physicians and patients. For extreme cases of anxiety, this is the medication most commonly used, but it's also something that can significantly alter your mood or personality if not used properly or for longer periods of time than prescribed.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

These are a newer type of anti-depressant introduced into the US in the 1980s beginning with Prozac. They work differently to traditional antidepressants and they do so by increasing and assisting the brain to maintain levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin which is often found to be low in people sufferering from depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and anxiety and panic disorders.

Which Panic Attack Medication to Use

The severity of the panic attack, will influence which medication a physician will prescribe for you. Remember that you should not determine which medication to use. It is essential to consult a doctor about what is best for you. Using someone else's medicine may help your symptoms in the short term, but in the long run you need a solution for long term results. Taking someone else's medicine for your undiagnosed panic attack would be considered as being very irresponsible. Because of the nature of the problem your doctor will probably prescribe more than one medication over a period of time so as to ascertain what is best for you. Using the least amount of medication to control your panic attack symptoms is the most beneficial, so most doctors will recommend starting with a low dosage and work their way up from there until the best solution is found.

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Mike O'Brien offers advice and information about panic attack medication If you or a loved one is suffering from a panic attack you will find quality information in this article and on this site.

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